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  1. kgruber

    Zero hours/sitting idle

    Kenmore Air Harbor, many decades ago, had a customer where they would ground run customer's floatplanes in the parking lot in the winter. They stopped doing that a few years later after all those engines rusted out.
  2. kgruber

    Beech V35 Midair Breakup

    Beechcraft was TOTALLY complacent about the breakup was the American Bonanza Society. Then, the president of the Bonanza Societies "V" tail disintegrated..........and finally, Beech made a strengthening kit. The straight-tail Debonaire is a MUICH better design
  3. kgruber

    Beech V35 Midair Breakup

    There is no perfect record.....and some years ago I tried to research it......But 350 Bonanzas have disintegrated in flight. It wasn't until the president of the Bonanza society failure that Beech reluctantly made the tail mod............which is only somewhat of a fix.
  4. kgruber

    Aviation License Plates

    Actually a Cessna 185 floatplane.
  5. kgruber

    Aviation License Plates

    I have an acquaintance with "V1V2R"
  6. kgruber

    The death of an insitution

    I wanted to be a Cub Scout. But they wouldn't let me unless my mother agreed to be a den mother......or whatever you call that. She couldn' she traveled the world with my father for View-Master.
  7. kgruber

    For Sale DO you still have a Garmin 496, 396, 296?

    Thanks, John H............your charger is in the mail today!
  8. kgruber

    N/A calling Calculator Nerds - what's the best graphing calculator these days?

    I got two engineering degrees with a slide rule!
  9. kgruber

    Taking a deeper dive into maneuvering speed

    A slight puff of wind will deflect a piece of paper MUCH more than a rock. That's why Va is lower for the paper.
  10. kgruber

    New Pilot Looking for a Headset
  11. kgruber

    Great article on how Boeing has failed

    Thank you.....Sir!
  12. kgruber

    Great article on how Boeing has failed

    The reason they failed is because they moved to Chicago and let accountants design the airplanes. They should move back to Seattle and let engineers design the airplanes.
  13. kgruber

    High Altitude Flight test

    Mount Everest has been climbed without oxygen, but it's rare. As of January 2024, only 221 people have summited Everest without supplemental oxygen. Reinhold Messner and Peter Habeler were the first to do so on May 8, 1978, by speeding up their climb and spending as little time as possible at...
  14. kgruber

    Best aviation organizations

    I dumped AOPA when they dumped the "red" board.
  15. kgruber

    For Sale DO you still have a Garmin 496, 396, 296?

    Hey, Fab! Yes, the 296, 396, and 496 are powered by a special battery.
  16. kgruber

    For Sale DO you still have a Garmin 496, 396, 296?

    Some of you have bought my charger. I made 1000 of them and sold about 800 @ $39.95 plus $5.95 for shipping. They are getting a little long in tooth, but STLL a wonderful GPS. If you would like one CHEAP..........Send me $30 and I'll ship it out. Cash, check, gold, silver, bitcoin......etc...
  17. kgruber

    Sea plane landings - who governs the water ?

    In 1967, I landed my Super-Cub on "Spirit Lake," next to Mt St Helens. A USFS guy there gave me a "ticket!" On the way home I tossed it out the window, and to this day I am waiting for the cuffs.
  18. kgruber

    Why has Vashon sold so few Rangers, and will MOSAIC turn that around?

    Great airplanes have two things in common.....Performance and Looks. The Vashon has the performance...........but lacks any good looks. Here is what is I mean..
  19. kgruber

    Flying car

    I knew Molt the Longview Airport. As a young student pilot, I used to stop there. I flew Wally's T-Craft out of the now-long-gone Evergreen Airport in Vancouver. Molt was always a pleasure to talk with.