Search results

  1. Jim_R

    Pocket knife: Weird or normal?

    When I was growing up, my dad always carried a ~4" Case pocket knife (something like this). I saw him use it frequently, and I developed the opinion that it was a handy tool. (Plus, I was a kid, and knives were just cool!) When I was in college, one of my buddies carried a Swiss army knife...
  2. Jim_R

    What's wrong with this picture?

  3. Jim_R

    Another aircraft company sold to China...

    Well, sorta:
  4. Jim_R

    Are they, though?

    Are private helicopters really "in demand"? I dunno, maybe they are. My first thought was, "I know of lots of folks who own planes but I don't know anyone who owns a helicopter," but that maybe akin to saying, "I know lots of people who own boats, but I don't know anyone who owns a yacht."...
  5. Jim_R

    "Bonnie and Clyde Bridge" lost in flood

    Clearly there was very little left of this bridge before it got washed off (one of) its rotting supports, but it served as a memorial of sorts for locals. I wonder how many "Al Capone alleyways" or "Butch Cassidy barns" might be scattered across the country serving as anchors for local lore...
  6. Jim_R

    Hail damage repair?

    My Cherokee suffered hail damage long before I bought it, and there are a number of obvious dents in the upper skin surface. Nothing that affects airworthiness, but one of these days I hope to have the plane repainted, and I'd like to have those repaired. I know aluminum is tricker to repair...
  7. Jim_R

    Engine noise on COM1 but not COM2?

    I've got an IFD540 as COM1 and an SL30 as COM2. Last weekend, mid-flight, COM1 suddenly began exhibiting a very loud, staccato interference during reception (i.e., the interference doesn't break squelch by itself--it's only present when squelch is broken by a received transmission). The...
  8. Jim_R

    iFly EFB v12.2.19 released: Adds Glide Rings and Avidyne IFD integration features

    Details and links to download the app for Android, iOS, and Windows are here: (Note that the Windows version is 12.2.20, but only because there was a Windows installer issue that got fixed, and the fix is not...
  9. Jim_R

    Electric taxi aircraft coming soon!

    And only $50 to ride! :rolleyes: :nonod:
  10. Jim_R

    Well, this is annoying

    Aircraft registered to Houston police. No idea what he's doing, but he's been orbiting near my house for the better part of an hour. I live adjacent to a Class D so I hear plenty of planes around my house, but they're all going somewhere--not just making laps every 90 seconds for 45 minutes...
  11. Jim_R

    If you had 3 months to travel in your plane, where would you go?

    I'm at an age where I have some money in the bank, but not quite enough to retire on. I've also had a health scare that's reinforced the idea that by the time I _am_ retired, I might not have the capability to do some of the things I'd like to. My company has recently established a sabbatical...
  12. Jim_R

    Xenforo Admin advice from PoA vets (or others)?

    A relatively small online community I belong to is transitioning their user forums to Xenforo. I may end up being involved in some of the admin / moderation of that new community. Would any of the PoA site gurus (or anyone else here familiar with Xenforo admin) be willing to chat with me...
  13. Jim_R

    Volunteer pilots needed--Challenge Air event in Mesquite, TX 4/1/23

    I have volunteered to fly for a Challenge Air event in Mesquite, TX next week (for the first time), and the informational email from the chief pilot says they've got 87 kids signed up to fly, and could use several more pilots. Challenge Air is an organization that schedules flying events so...
  14. Jim_R

    Are engine monitor sensors consumable items?

    I installed an Insight G3 engine monitor in March 2013 (10 years ago). I have a Tanis heater installed, so the CHT sensors are spark plug gasket-type instead of the normal bayonet (since the heater elements occupy those ports). The EGT sensors are typical bayonet-type probes in the exhaust...
  15. Jim_R

    Global Rotax theft ring to supply Iranian drone engines?

    Who had "Iranian Rotax global theft ring discovered" on their 2022 bingo card? From the article:
  16. Jim_R

    Which portable ADSB receiver(s) do you use?

    Just curious. I know there are a huge number of Foreflight users, and so I expect there to be lots of Stratus and Sentry users out there (my guess is that will be the majority of responses). I also think there are a lot of Stratux users, both homebuilt and "professionally" built. I suspect...
  17. Jim_R

    PA28 crash just off KIWS (West Houston)

    Went down almost immediately after takeoff. Two fatalities. Flight aware track here. Other reports (here, but behind a paywall) speculate that the plane might have been recently purchased. (ID on pilot/pax show local addresses, but FAA registration is to someone in Cincinnati. Plane had...
  18. Jim_R

    Is 11" too big? (For a tablet device...)

    I ran across a site selling refurbed Surface 3's for $299 (including the keyboard/case and Win 10 Pro). It's the "bigger" version with 4GB RAM and 128GB SSD, but does not include LTE/GPS. The primary role for this device would be for EFB use in the cockpit, but I'm concerned it might be too...
  19. Jim_R

    Adjustment to solve Century II hunting in roll?

    I've got a Piper Autocontrol III (same as Century II, with the three adjustment screws on the control head--not a Century IIB with 4 screws) with a radio coupler in my Cherokee 180. Ever since I got it, it's had a (very) small/gentle roll oscillation...small enough that I don't think pax ever...
  20. Jim_R

    New on-field restaurant in Shreveport, La

    There's a new tenant in the terminal restaurant at Shreveport Downtown airport (KDTN). Sounds like something a bit different from the typical on-field restaurant. Hope they make a go of it...