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  1. H

    Scott Perdue reviews are good

    I think he deserves his own thread. Always seems to be a level head, with well earned grey hair.
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    Amazing save in a Grumman AA-1C

    Gonna have to visit reddit for the details
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    50 Year old wreck found in lake Champlain

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    Prebuy gone wrong

    I can't find the thread where we discussed this earlier
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    Gravity is broken (worst journalism ever)

    This might actually be the worst aviation journalistic take I’ve ever seen “found rapid changes in gravitational force” I think we all understand what they’re trying to say, but wow.
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    F35 down
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    How accurate are garmin avionics?

    Pitch & roll: is the margin of error 1%, 2%, 5%? …?
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    Spitfire down (UK)
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    Hunting from Helos - where does the brass go?

    Chatting with a friend of mine about shooting out the door of small (non-military) helicopters and the question arose about how/why the spent casings don't end up in the tail rotor. #itsthedowndraftstupid?
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    Vision jet goes for a swim
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    Magnificent Flying Machines

    There is no shortage of absolutely bizarre and wonderfully kooky aviation machines. How about a thread for them? Opening entry...
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    Fall from door

    Not sure how to do a spoiler tag so if you do NOT want to watch someone fall from an open airbus door, do not click. Sure looks ugly.
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    Cesna 172 down northern MN. Two survive
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    Piper fuel selector upgrade

    How big or small a deal is it to update the fuel selector on an old Arrow to a “modern” one with detents. Did some night currency last week and realized I never want to be poking about down there with a flashlight after dark.
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    Single engine down at KRDU
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    Airbus Jammed Stabilizer CYYZ

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    Alaska Air Ground Stop Apparently they borked a software upgrade to their W&B calculations.
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    Kapiolani Park Single engine down. No injuries
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    Too many tabs: Servo, anti-servo, control, balance, trim...

    Ok, studying the many, many tab types here and wondering if there is a resident authority. Found this old thread but it seems more confused than ever. Here is what I have: Balance, servo and trim tabs all move opposite to the control surface, the difference is in what moves them. Trim tabs are...
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    Alaska Air… oh gross