Search results

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    Zero hours/sitting idle

    Found a plane listed for sale with an O-320, zero hours since major. But that overhaul was two years ago and it’s parked outdoors in Florida. Is there any chance that it isn’t corroded already and the buyer (if any) won’t be in for 10 or 20 grand-plus? I don’t want to waste money on a prebuy if...
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    172/Cherokee gotchas

    I’m selling the RV-8 and will be looking for a plane with preferably four seats. Given our budget, a Cherokee 180 is most likely. I’d prefer a 172/180 but a decent one is probably more quid than I’ll have in coin pouch. Having co-owned a 172M, and flown & managed another one for work, I’m...
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    Transponder problem

    I recently flew into a Class D field. Tower said he couldn’t see my transponder, and it still wasn’t coming through after recycling. He cleared me in, I checked the plane and it turned out to be that the antenna was broken. How, I don’t know - the missing piece was not in my hangar and I hadn’t...
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    Fatal - Fort Pierce, FL KFPR Second fatal crash for Aviator College in nine months. Looks like this one was a planned missed from an ILS.
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    What a zoo!

    Typical day around here. All of those squiggly tracks are the trainers that fill the Florida sky, almost all of them below 2500’.
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    Carb Ice?

    Wanted to start a separate thread to avoid pulling the other icing thread off track. A friend has a 150 with an O-200 with fairly high time. A couple times he had a significant uncommanded power reduction and roughness right after takeoff, when climbing through 200-300 AGL/MSL (sea level...
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    PA-28 down, Florida Treasure Coast From FlightAware, appears to be a plane from Aviator College at Ft. Pierce (KFPR).
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    ADS-B - Encoder not working

    I have a mixed panel - older Dynon D6 and the rest is round instruments, with a GTX335 sending ADS-B Out. Lately the Dynon has been not coming on, or intermittently working. It wasn’t a concern because I only fly day VFR and there is a backup airspeed and altimeter. And then I noticed the...
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    @flyingron and others with Navion experience: I’m looking for a different plane - the RV-8A is just too small for me and my usual passengers. Mission: Breakfast and lunch flights inside Florida, maybe exploring the southeast, and local flights just for fun, normally won’t have more than two...
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    Registration problem

    First off, it’s my fault for not getting it done sooner. The reason doesn’t matter, I should have moved faster but didn’t. I bought a plane, sent the registration application and bill of sale to the FAA. They kicked it back because the plane had been registered to “J D Company”, but the bill of...
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    Tube tires

    Why do aircraft still use inner tubes and split rims? Is there some particular advantage to it over a one-piece wheel and tubeless tire, or is it just tradition?
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    Gas trailer

    I have the chance to get a fuel trailer for our hangar (airpark), but the tank needs to be replaced. The current tank is rectangular steel, painted white, 100 gallons. It’s rusted on the interior bottom. Every place that sells the same tank states that it is for combustibles (diesel) and not...
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    Fire extinguisher - hangar

    I need a fire extinguisher or two for our hangar (60x60 - one plane, one motorhome, workshop and storage). The usual dry chemical ABC type is not an option because it’s corrosive and impossible to clean up from aircraft (it flows into seams and rivet holes). The biggest threat is a...
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    Renter’s insurance

    I’ve been looking for a plane to rent for just a few hours so I can get back up to proficiency after not having flown for a few months due to moving. After that, I intend to start working as a part-time CFI. So far, the only operation I have found that is reasonably close to us requires renters...
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    Port St. Lucie plane rentals

    In the interim until I find the right plane to buy, I’m looking for something to rent in the Port St. Lucie/Ft. Pierce/Stuart, Florida area. I’ve been to Stuart, Ft. Pierce and Okeechobee, and the only place I’ve found that rents planes requires pilots to carry a full insurance policy on the...
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    Should I be happy or scared?

    Passed the CFI checkride yesterday. So I guess I will be reliving my days as a law enforcement training officer - riding in the right seat, waiting for moments of sheer terror as the trainee tries to kill us? Seriously, though, I welcome suggestions, tips, techniques that will help me. We're...
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    "The organized self"

    Moving right along through training to be a CFI, writtens passed, prepping for the checkride. I know what the FAA means with the statement that a person's basic need is to maintain and enhance the organized self, but what exactly is the "organized" self? I understand the concepts and do just...
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    Hangar Door

    We're buying a home at an airpark (FD88, Aero Acres, Port St. Lucie, Florida) and will be having a hangar built. What is the best door? Sliding, bi-fold, or swing-up? We're expecting that the hangar will be 60x60, the maximum size permitted there.
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    So. Florida aviation museums/warbirds

    We'll be making the move to south Florida within a couple months. Once settled in, I'd like to get involved as a volunteer with an aviation museum or warbird organization. Any recommendations?
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    Foreflight documents to Kindle

    Is there a way I can copy or move documents (PDF) in Foreflight to the Kindle app?