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  1. R

    Practicing short field landings in gusting winds

    Hello, How do we practice short field landings when winds are 5 knots gusting to 15 for example? Our POH says our approach speed should be at 61 knots and full flaps in our C172P. Since we're also supposed to add half the gust factor to approach speed (and some say we should also approach...
  2. R

    "Manufacturer's Recommended Speed" vs Va for Performance Maneuvers

    My CFI taught me to begin steep turns, chandelles, and lazy eights at Va (95 knots). All well and good except that the POH for our C172 gives a "Recommended Entry Speed" for these maneuvers that is a little higher (105 knots). CFI claims it is not a big deal whether you use one speed or the...
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    Renting a plane past it's 100 hour

    Hello, I have a theoretical question regarding the 100 hour annual inspection requirement. I'm trying to understand if the "for hire" aspect applies to the aircraft owner or to the individual who is renting the plane. 91.409 (b) states: no person may operate an aircraft carrying any person...
  4. R

    Why does an aft CG result in lighter than normal control forces?

    I'm trying to understand a concept in the PHAK. Chapter 10 (weight and balance) states that: "Tail heavy loading also produces very light control forces, another undesirable characteristic. This makes it easy for the pilot to inadvertently overstress an aircraft." The "Tail heavy loading"...
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    Can a CFI without Complex or HP endorsements provide these endorsement?

    Hello, My CFI practical is coming up this week. I am going through everything with a fine tooth comb and came upon this practice question and am somewhat stumped. Can a CFI without Complex or HP endorsements provide these endorsement to a pilot? I can't find anything expressly prohibiting...
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    Trouble explaining landings

    I am working on my CFI. Now that I am having to explain while I fly I am having trouble finding the words that suite the actions. I am ironing out my deficiencies one at a time but I am stunningly unable to explain one aspect of landings. This applies to a 1980 C172P. For a normal landing...
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    Short-Field Landings

    I've read the AFH and did a web search and still can't understand one aspect of short-field landings. I know that you have to configure and approach according to the POH and should land as close to the runway threshold as possible. However, I'm not clear on how you should theoretically set...
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    Beating myself up real bad about failed ASEL CPL checkride

    I worked so hard at my commercial training yet I get a pink slip for forgetting to set the carb heat to cold during a go-around. The rest of the ride went well I felt, perhaps the DPE felt differently but didn't say so. How is this not a debrief item? Especially when I used carb heat...
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    Can 10 hours of complex/TAA requirement for CSEL be met in a multi?

    My school's Mooney got damaged during a landing and will be out of service for the next 4 months. I am finishing up CSEL training but still need 4.5 hours of complex/TAA time. There is a nearby flight school with a multi. I believe I can meet the 4.5 hours of complex time in the multi and...
  10. R

    Turn radius of slipping/skidding turns

    Can anyone help me understand if slipping/skidding turns affect the turn radius? For a given bank angle, will a slipping turn result in a larger turn radius than in a coordinated turn? For the same bank angle, will a skidding turn result in a smaller turn radius that in a coordinated turn? It...
  11. R

    STAR vs TEC routes

    I am finishing up my IR training. My instructor has asked me to plan a flight from KBGM to KBED. I see there is both an RNAV STAR (DREEM TWO) I can utilize by flying to one of the transition fixes. There is also a TEC route I can utilize that starts in KALB, an airport which is kind of along...