Search results

  1. Matthew

    Pulse oximeter?

    Anyone have a recommendation for a good, simple pulse oximeter?
  2. Matthew

    Basic Medical and CFI

    Is Basic Medical OK for a CFI? Are there any restrictions like: a primary student that can’t be PIC? Another pilot with an expired flight review? Or is a CFI, at any level, not exercising commercial privileges?
  3. Matthew

    I reported a taxiway incursion this morning

    Ground: “Cessna xxx, rwy 36, taxi via alpha, cleared across rwy 4, hold short 36.” Me: “uhh, maybe keep an eye out for that coyote that just crossed alpha in front of me, heading towards the rwy.”
  4. Matthew

    FlightService - Leidos (1800wxbrief): lost my account?

    I see the that 1800wxbrief is canceling accounts that have been stagnant for 2 years. I use mine regularly, maybe even up to a week ago was the last time I used it for a flight plan and brief. A few minutes ago I tried logging on for a brief, and it appears my account is gone. I tried to...
  5. Matthew

    Transitioning to electronic logbook

    Years ago I started moving to electronic, so I began by entering every flight in my logbook. That took a very long time. I spent a few hours a day and still hadn’t made much progress and eventually gave up. Now I’m thinking about re-starting that project. Late last summer I filled out IACRA for...
  6. Matthew

    Email address decoding

    I’ve been running into some interesting email issues: I get someone else’s, so I’m wondering if he gets mine. We both use the same email provider, so the “” is the same. The catch is that we both use the same name, with one difference. I’m, for example, “MatthewPilotsOfAmerica”...
  7. Matthew

    Any recommendations for a rental in Oahu?

    There’s a chance I can visit Honolulu. I was thinking about finding someplace where I could get a CFI and a 172, or similar, for an hour. Would be cool for this guy from Kansas to get a flight like that in his logbook. I just started looking at the sectional and there doesn’t seem to be a lot...
  8. Matthew

    Is there a “Preview Post”?

    It’s been a while since the forum upgrade and I must just not be seeing it.
  9. Matthew

    Monitoring VOR when using the GPS

    A buddy and I were planning a few practice approaches today. One was going to be a VOR-A. But, the NOTAM for that airport says the VOR is U/S. Since the rule is you’re supposed to monitor the green needles during the final approach segment when using GPS as an overlay, it seems that approach...
  10. Matthew

    61.129 Commercial instrument time

    Got into a discussion today with a buddy that’s ready to start his commercial. Both of us are instrument rated. His CFII made notes in his logbook that some training hours met 61.129. I checked my logbook and I don’t see that note. There’s a very low chance I will go commercial, but if I do...
  11. Matthew

    Vision changes

    As my eyes age, my farsightedness is getting worse. That’s a good thing since I’ve always been nearsighted and now things are canceling out. Saw my eye doc today and got the verdict: I’m 20/20 in each eye. But I do need readers for near. My prescription does have a small correction for...
  12. Matthew

    Going back to class 2/3 after basic med?

    Currently have a Class 3 with a sleep apnea SI. No problems maintaining it. But I’m looking at going to Basic Med this fall. If, in the next few years, I get my commercial and need the class 2, how big a deal is it to go back to the SI? My most recent letter from FAA extended the SI for...
  13. Matthew

    Basic Med and safety pilot

    Basic Med requires a safety pilot to be PIC. I *thought* there was some discussion about changing that, but I haven’t been able to find anything more about it. Is that still the case? Any info on potential changes to that?
  14. Matthew

    Home temperature monitoring systems?

    Looking for something I can plug in that will ping my phone (text, call, email) if there’s a power failure or if temps go out of limits. Any recommendations or reviews?
  15. Matthew

    W&B document question

    This came up today: the W&B document must be in the aircraft - can it be a copy or does it have to be the signed original?
  16. Matthew

    GTN650 messages

    I think we have some experts here: I've seen these messages pop up after landing and during taxi. Usually it's just the Steep Turn message, but yesterday it was the Steep Turn and the VNAV together. I was doing practice approaches so I had an approach loaded. I am pretty sure this happened...
  17. Matthew

    GTN 650/750 and iPad connectivity

    I’m still learning the 650 in my rental and am looking into moving from my old Android to an iPad. Will pairing an iPad (wifi only) to the 650 or 750 allow the iPad to use it as a source for traffic and GPS? Currently using Avare on the Android but would probably move to FltPlanGo on the iPad.
  18. Matthew

    IFR - personal minimums question

    I’m still working on that rating. The bad part about winter is canceling a lot of lessons, but the good thing is getting to experience a whole lot of different conditions. One thing I’m working on is learning to set new personal minimums for IFR vs VFR. Here’s a real world example from today...
  19. Matthew

    Paper vs LED

    A couple days ago someone asked if I had any old paper sectionals she could use for a school project for her grandkids. I found a handful to donate, but I kept 2. One was the sectional I used on my long student solo XC back in 2005. All marked up on both sides with my course, landmarks, and...
  20. Matthew

    Lowest DA?

    This afternoon was a cold, clear day. 30.38 on the altimeter and the density altitude was broadcast as -1600'. Field elevation is 1087', for a total difference of 2687'. I think -1600' is a new record for me.