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  1. ahmad

    IFR time

    I'm noticing a lot of job descriptions on the web mention about IFR time hours. My logbook does not have a column for IFR hrs. I have been tracking instrument times and number of approaches. I am confused on what constitute IFR time(flying under IFR flight plan?)and how do people track this.
  2. ahmad

    Generator failure

    Flying with a buddy of mine in his C182 last night. 4 miles out before we enter the downwind poof everything goes black. Pitch black inside the cockpit. He is freaking out a bit. Ok just fly the damn plane. There is a reason why we practice no flap landings and do all those things before we...
  3. ahmad

    6HIT for currency

    I'm planning on doing 6 different approaches with a safety pilot to meet currency. I understand what I need to do but a bit not sure how many holds I must do. Am I required to perform 6 holding procedures(one for every approach) or just one hold?
  4. ahmad

    KCRQ ILS 24

    I'm looking at the missed approach procedures for the ILS24 at KCRQ. climb to 3000 of heading 245 and OCN 145 to OCN and hold. There's no holding pattern depicted on the chart. So, how and where exactly over OCN do you hold? Will the holding instructions be issued by approach since its not...
  5. ahmad

    Coming in hot

    So I take off in my c150 on rwy 5 and announced I'd be doing a left downwind departure to the west. a cirrus calls 8 miles out to the east and says he'll be entering the left downwind for rwy 5. I turn crosswind and he reports 3 miles out. as I turn downwind he calls "I'm entering downwind for...
  6. ahmad

    The almost fatal crash

    This was painful to listen to. This guy was incredibly lucky.
  7. ahmad

    Cessna 150 fuel stick

    I can not find a fuel dip stick to purchase for my 13 gal cessna 150. Helllllp!
  8. ahmad

    My 1st aviation hiccup

    Just hit 480 hrs. 150 NM leg. Flying vfr at 3500 ft under a layer at 4500. 75 miles into it the winds started picking up. I noticed that my rpm dropped to 2300. I get it back to 2400. a min later it is at 2300 again. ok adjust it back to 2400. Soon it drops to 2200. I push the throttle in more...
  9. ahmad

    Trevor Jacob

    Not sure where to post this. Apparently this guy is back. like he got his license back. I can not believe he'd be allowed to have those privileges back.
  10. ahmad


    I should know the answer to this but I don't so I'll ask. Do I need to have an endorsement from a CFI to fly a C150 if I did all my trainings and ppl/instrument rating in a C172? My insurance requires that I fly the 150 with a cfi and get signed off but do the FARs require it?
  11. ahmad

    IFR flight using IPAD as primary

    I'm not super smart but this guy makes me feel like a genius.
  12. ahmad

    Newly minted IFR pilot

    So I just got some very harsh feedback from a supposedly very experienced airline pilot about flying the family on an IFR flight to Chicago. First, he said I'm an idiot and reckless because I flew my family in a non IFR certified airplane. After I told him the aircraft is indeed IFR certified...
  13. ahmad

    CFI and student crash Sad to see these things on daily basis. Van Nuys and surrounding area gives you very little area for a forced landing.
  14. ahmad

    C150 or C152

    Looking at a couple of planes for time building. I am at 350 hrs trying to get to 1200+ hrs. Local airport C172 rents for $150/Hr. I am going to fly a ton to get those hours as soon as I can. So, The C150 (N5523G)is 1969 model with just shy of 1100 SMOH. So, 700 hrs left before an overhaul...
  15. ahmad

    GPS suspend/unsuspend

    To be or not to be. That's the question. Trying to understand this suspend and unsuspend thing on the garmin after going missed. I find myself clueless on this when the garmin gives me this pop up. Can someone clarify this please? What does it mean and when do I want to be or not to be...
  16. ahmad

    Rwy incursion?

    Class D after the tower is closed. Aircraft A holds short for landing Aircraft B. Aircraft B lands. Aircraft A lines up on the rwy while aircraft B is on the rwy about to clear the rwy and exit. Aircraft A lined up and waits then takes off after B is off the rwy. Is it a rwy incursion? Asking...
  17. ahmad

    Flight expense

    I think I know the answer to this question but just wanting to double check. A month ago I flew my staff out for dinner. Whenever I have a staff outing or event my LLC pays me for the expenses and I submit it to my CPA. I logged some 4 hrs on the plane that I rented when I took the staff out...
  18. ahmad

    Interesting comms

    While getting flight following I heard the following: pilot: Calls for FF to mo ya vee. he meant Mojave. atc: gets the pilot set up on FF and then tells him to stay clear of the restricted airspace ahead. pilot: um, I don't have the restricted space in sight. Can you give me a heading...
  19. ahmad

    SoCal trip

    I have put in a bunch of hours in the C172 this week. SoCal is pretty damn amazing but at times it has felt like the wild wild west. A few things that has stood out so far: - It's been crazy hot here and hot starts can be frustrating. I feel like I am getting some valuable lessons stored in...
  20. ahmad

    A C172 in class A?

    Don't know what is going on but I am seeing a C172 at FL190 on flightaware. I was going to rent this plane tomorrow but I may wait on that. ha