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  1. Half Fast

    Glider crash - Winter Haven, FL

    So far, all we know is that it wasn’t engine failure or fuel exhaustion. Pilot is alive, so hopefully we’ll learn what happened.
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    Gene Nora Jessen

    Some of you may know or be familiar with Mrs. Gene Nora Jessen, a very special lady in the Beech community, especially among those of us who fly the baby Beeches. Gene Nora passed away May 21 at age 87. Gene Nora was one of the Mercury 13, a group of women selected for selected for astronaut...
  3. Half Fast

    If you have to ask,... can’t afford it. But this sure looks like a hoot. Anybody signed up for this yet?
  4. Half Fast

    Happy Holiday!

    Almost missed this one!
  5. Half Fast

    Preview of things to come.....

    Aviator of the year who never leaves the ground.
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    Icon Spirals In Gee, who woulda thunk?
  7. Half Fast

    Fatal, S. Lakeland

    A few hours ago. Only the pilot on board. No details yet.
  8. Half Fast

    And yet another holiday is almost upon us....

    March 30 is National Pencil Day! Do the write thing so you won't get rubbed out.
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    Irrational behavior is encouraged.
  10. Half Fast

    EFBs - New Advice From Our Friends At the FAA

    Anybody else been perusing the latest version of AC 91-78? There's some stuff that, if I'm interpreting this correctly, makes me glad it's advisory and not regulatory. The FAA seems to go in circles through several ACs...
  11. Half Fast

    Funky Preflight

    Found this old gem of an FAA training film. Wally Funk demonstrates how to conduct a pre-flight inspection, filmed back in her NTSB ASI days. I especially like the part about using a finger to stick the tanks because she doesn't have to worry about dropping her finger into the tank.
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    Happy Holiday, POA!

    Once again the most wonderful time of the year is upon us. I thought I'd kick off National Engineer's Week by sharing one of my favorite engineering carols. I hope you'll all enjoy singing it with your loved ones as we celebrate this hallowed time.
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    The Cutting Edge

    Looking for opinions and suggestions from the collective wisdom of POA. For emergencies, I keep a knife clipped to a pocket on the center console of my plane, next to the fire extinguisher and within easy reach of either front seat. It's an assisted-opening folder, liner lock, with a...
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    S-l-o-w response?

    Hasn anyone else noticed the site responding very slowly again? Other websites seem to be working okay, but POA occasionally freezes or takes a long time to respond.
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    Oil Change Pondering...

    So the conventional wisdom has always been to fly the plane for a while to warm up the oil prior to draining it. I'm starting to question that a bit and I'm curious what the POA collective thinks. It seems to me that it makes sense to warm it up when using a single viscosity like 100 weight...
  16. Half Fast

    A Moderate Request for Our Beloved Moderators

    Dear Mods, From time to time you find it necessary to lock a thread. I know this is done with careful consideration and I realize it may be necessary. I would, however, like to request that when you do so, you make a final post to the thread stating the reason for the lock. It would help us...
  17. Half Fast

    New acquistion

    Found this little gem in an antique shop on Saturday. 1st edition from 1928. Given the age of many of our birds, it might come in handy....
  18. Half Fast

    Boeing’s on a streak... P
  19. Half Fast

    Borescope Advice

    Anybody know much about the inexpensive borescopes now available? It seems there are quite a few in the <$50 price range and I'm curious whether they're actually any good. Here's one example...
  20. Half Fast

    Help needed - FAA DRS website

    I've been using the FAA's DRS website for about an hour now to try to create a list of all current ADs for my baby Beech, with no success. I plug in the filter settings for make and model number, and I get exactly one result, withdrawing an AD for a fuel selector placard. Can anyone...