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  1. cowman

    Best bedtime story ever

    I couldn’t find his airplane book anywhere so I substituted mine.
  2. cowman

    If you own a truck and live in the rust belt.

    Here’s your motivation to go treat your rocker panels, fenders, and cab corners with some kind of corrosion inhibitor. This is a 2012 with less than 100,000 miles on it and we absolutely made an effort to run it through the car wash after use on salted roads.
  3. cowman

    How thoroughly do you clean your grill?

    Honestly I've probably done all of the above at different points, but usually it's just the wire brushing. Curious what the norm is.
  4. cowman

    What are these symbols on this taxi diagram?

    I feel like I should know this but I can’t remember having seen these before and I can’t find it on the legend- circled in red.
  5. cowman

    Tool to fix 430W/530W Terrain cards

    I ran across this the other day, I had one of the terrain cards that had been bricked after a bad update. If you haven't thrown yours away there's a way to repair it, it seems to work for me as the card is recognized but apparently I can't reinstall the terrain database because I already put...
  6. cowman

    Yet another I hate modern cars rant

    Just had a minor fiasco with our 2019 Ford Edge. It's snowing here, but still warm enough that there's mud under the snow and my wife made the mistake of driving it somewhere she absolutely shouldn't have in these conditions to check on her horse. Car got stuck... normally not a huge deal as I...
  7. cowman

    If anyone needs to renew their IL aircraft registration...

    This is the URL to do it online: On the notice they mail out they just say "" because our state is ridiculous and run by monkeys. Hopefully this saves someone a few minutes of searching.
  8. cowman

    MO aircraft tax/policy

    I'm wondering if anyone knows this... I currently live and and keep my aircraft in IL. If I relocated the plane to a MO airport and continued to be an IL resident with my registration address in IL is MO likely to hit me up for any use tax fees? I know they have personal property tax but I...
  9. cowman

    Tell me about being a CFI.

    So I'm kind of looking for something I can do on a flexible part-time basis(preferably independently so I'm in full control) that will bring in a little extra income. I keep kicking this around in my head but I don't really know enough about it. My home field does have a flight school but...
  10. cowman

    GNS530W Terrain card seems to be dead

    Tried to update my 530 today, successfully did the Nav card. Then when I tried to do the terrain card no matter what I did the garmin update software didn't see the card. Finally I gave up and put it back in the 530 only to find out the GPS wouldn't start up properly- first time it was stuck...
  11. cowman

    Short distance IFR

    Realistically, I'm probably waiting out the weather but I was just curious how one would do this in a real world situation. Say you needed to ferry a plane between airports that are close together. For example KUIN -> KHAE or somewhere else where the approach for the destination is practically...
  12. cowman

    How are unprofessional pilots scored?

  13. cowman

    Floor paint for basement?

    I finally just broke down and started tearing out the nasty carpet in our basement. Got most of it out now, what's underneath is glue covered concrete that seems to be in good shape with no cracks or anything. I've done epoxy garage floor coatings in the past with good results but the prep is...
  14. cowman

    Bad ADM in Children’s airplane books/media

    So as a pilot who has a young child people send us airplane related kids books and movies. Also, as fellow parents know we get subjected to these things over and over again. As you do, as a pilot you spot the problems…. from tonight’s book(one of his favorites). Now, I don’t know much...
  15. cowman

    Photo ID for domestic(commercial) flights

    Wife got pulled over for a traffic issue and the police officer kept her driver’s license as bond. She’s got a commercial flight on Mon and it probably isn’t going to be possible to pay anything and get her license back before then. Her only other photo ID is a passport but it’s expired...
  16. cowman

    Battery replacement as private pilot questions..

    Aircraft is a Piper PA-32R-300 Lance, I'm a Private Pilot owner/operator. The A&P I used to go to on field passed away last year so a lot of stuff I just got handled I'm now doing on my own until I get set up with someone at a neighboring airport... Anyway I just had to get my plane jump...
  17. cowman

    Email sorting...

    Back in the pre-smartphone days I used to set up folders in my email client and have rules for them. Basically dumped all the notification emails that I don't need to read but might want to refer to later in folders.... stuff like UPS tracking numbers, order confirmations, bill paid...
  18. cowman

    Dear auto manufacturers.....[rant]

    Unless there is an imminent danger NOTHING should beep/bong or buzz at me while I'm driving. The cameras that provide pre-collision assist being dirty is not an emergency. Someone having an unbuckled seatbelt(or my dog being heavy enough to trip the seat sensor) is NOT an audio alert worthy...
  19. cowman

    Ammonia free glass cleaner?

    I keep this stuff at home for mostly automotive use. Glanced at the can and noted it said “ammonia free”. What I always understood was normal glass cleaner was no good for aircraft windows because the ammonia would yellow the plastic over time. This doesn’t have ammonia though… so why wouldn’t...
  20. cowman

    Bag/organizer for logbooks

    My aircraft logbooks and associated paperwork have been in this ripped zipper bag since I bought the plane. Every time I look at it I’ve thought I should do something about that and never gotten to it…. What does everyone else keep their pile of logs and misc docs in?