Recent content by Wagondriver

  1. W

    Upcoming trip, Western US - Where should I go!

    I left TEX early one June morning. At 08:30 DA was 11,000
  2. W

    Flamping... Sort of

    I’ve slept in my 180 several times. The 13 degree floor is just fine for sleeping.
  3. W

    Cesna 172 down northern MN. Two survive

    Carb heat was on when it crashed.
  4. W

    Cesna 172 down northern MN. Two survive

    Pilot is a friend of a friend. The conditions that night were poor. Ceilings approximately 600’, rain and potential icing conditions. He is an accomplished commercial pilot. That being said, late at night, IFR, in that plane, probably not the best decision to fly.
  5. W

    Deferring Marriage and a Family to fly professionally

    You are in your 20's. GO FLYING!
  6. W

    DPE Harrison MacNaughton

    When I was looking for a DPE for instrument, the local guy was suggested. I was told to expect an 8 hour checkride, no thanks, I found a different DPE. Of course he was cheaper, and the ride was only a couple hours, and I passed. But he was so difficult and badgering and loud that I almost filed...
  7. W

    What kept you going through training?

    Some people like the idea of flying more than actually flying.
  8. W

    How much have Trent Palmer's legal costs been?

    I think you may have him confused with someone else. I just looked it up, a video up for 4 hours has over 5k already. I saw videos listed with over 500k vies, he has about a half million subcribers. His is probably the biggest of the backcountry aviation content channels. I would suspsect that...
  9. W

    PPL still the way to go under MOSAIC?

    I would bet that it will take you just as many flight hours to pass a sport checkride as a private checkride. Savings nil. I started out doing sport, I am now commerial single, multi, instrument, and seaplane.
  10. W

    Fixed gear temporarily for insurance purposes?

    And here I thought this was an April Fools thread.
  11. W

    Ditching the huge beacon

    I removed one of those mason jar beacons from the back of my 180, put on a sun beacon 2. Super bright light, do not look at it even in bright sunlight. I saw zero increase in speed. Sun beacon 2 is about 1.75" in diameter and sticks up about 1.25", weighs a bunch less too.
  12. W

    P-ponk vs FAT supercharger for C182?

    My 180 with a PPonk will still climb 500fpm at 14,000. I used to take it into a 1700' hayfield at 8000' in the heat of the afternoon with a full load. A well built 520 will do just fine without forced induction. Supercharger is significant extra weight, extra heat, and lots of extra parts to break.
  13. W

    Schizophrenia Sport Pilot

    How about mind your own business? This B.S. about how sometime, somewhere, something bad could happen, people have gotten so concerned about everyone else's lives. What if someone noticed you do something stupid and called the FAA to say you are unfit to fly because they saw you? What did they...
  14. W

    Ownership economics question

    Unless you buy a POS, annuals should never be $25 to $50k, or anywhere close to that. In 7 years of owning my 180 I have had to replace 1 cylinder and overhaul 2, overhaul the carb, some rod ends, a fuel bladder, a new tailwheel, and maybe some other small stuff. Everything else I spent was by...
  15. W

    For Sale 1957 Cessna 180 rear seat

    I have a Cessna 180 back seat, with seatbelts. It is powerful ugly, gold and brown. $300obo It is in Salmon Idaho