Recent content by Sluggo63

  1. Sluggo63

    Boeing cargo plane makes emergency 'belly' landing

    Maybe, maybe not. I never like second guessing crews reactions, especially when everything works out well. If you watch the video, as they're coming to a stop, there a big cloud of something (probably smoke) that engulfs the nose of the airplane. I bet that smoke smelt like burning... stuff. I...
  2. Sluggo63

    Boeing cargo plane makes emergency 'belly' landing

    I'm not a 767 guy, but my understanding is that the inertial reels are "programmed" to basically free-fall you to within a few feet of the ground, then slow to a safe speed. With the nose gear not down (and the ground 4-5 feet closer), the reels would still be in free-fall mode when you got to...
  3. Sluggo63

    Boeing cargo plane makes emergency 'belly' landing

    No slides on the 767F. Just inertial reels to go out the main door. With the nose gear on the ground, the reels are unusable I’d imagine. Why they didn’t wait for the ladder, I don’t know. But if you’re going to evacuate, 5 minutes probably feels like a pretty long time to be sitting in the airplane.
  4. Sluggo63

    Empty cargo planes roam the skies

    You’re welcome!;)
  5. Sluggo63

    Empty cargo planes roam the skies

    This is changing. Back in the day, a FedEx Express package would never see the inside of a FedEx Ground truck, or vice versa. Now the operating companies are merging the streams so packages will flow between the two to be more efficient. I won't get into what I think about that... I just get...
  6. Sluggo63

    Empty cargo planes roam the skies

    Like @Brad Z said. It's mostly true. They are called "Sweep Flights" and are designated as such in the bidpack. If you are on a designated Sweep Flight, you are expected to fly the flight planned route, and not take any directs. They are flown in a circuitous route to cover airports where there...
  7. Sluggo63

    Alec Baldwin shoots and kills cinematographer.

    I'll play the devil's advocate here. I don't sump my tanks at work. I don't do the weight and balance. I am responsible for the safety of the flight, but I'm going to assume that the people who are responsible for the fuel on the jet have complied with all the required purity tests. I'm also...
  8. Sluggo63

    Alaska Air Ground Stop

    When I started flying the KC-135 we didn't have computerized takeoff data. Everything was manually done chasing spaghetti charts. You'd calculate it the day before using the forecast weather, then update it if needed the day of. The kicker was if before takeoff, the temperature, pressure...
  9. Sluggo63

    Delta pilot caught boozing the preflight

    Randoms for us are urinalysis and a breathalyzer.
  10. Sluggo63

    New ACS May 31, 2024

    I wonder if LNAV RWY 19 and LNAV RWY 01 are two different non-precision approaches? They're the same type of navigational aid, but that blurb has been removed.
  11. Sluggo63

    Delta pilot caught boozing the preflight

    When someone spills hot coffee on themselves, the only thing they can do is strip down naked. And in the name of crew integrity, everyone else strips down naked so that one crewman/woman doesn't feel awkward being the only naked person in the jet. It's not weird at all. Trust me. Perfectly...
  12. Sluggo63

    Delta pilot caught boozing the preflight

    I mean, if getting strapped to a ship's wheel and being beaten until there's welts on your back doesn't equate to 7 years in the Hanoi Hilton, I don't know what does. IYKYK #vikingclubsurvivor
  13. Sluggo63

    Delta pilot caught boozing the preflight

    I’m an Air Force guy. What is this “PT” you speak of? Does that mean, “physical therapy?” Like massages and a spa day? Doesn’t sound too bad. Sign me up.
  14. Sluggo63

    Delta pilot caught boozing the preflight

    Judging by the crews walking around the flight room, we'd be cancelling 3/4 of all our flights if that happened.
  15. Sluggo63

    Delta pilot caught boozing the preflight

    It's 8 at FedEx, but I'm more of an 18-24 guys. I don't F with it at work. I'm not a big drinker anyhow, so it's not that much of a issue for me. There are nights the crew and I will tear it up a bit, but that's on a longer layover where I have at least a full day to recover. Now, since the...