Recent content by Rockymountain

  1. Rockymountain


    The hazards of mairjuana use, especially in the young are being explored, and the findings are not good. There is big money in big marijuana and they are infusing millions into trying to convince society that this all natural (genetically enhanced, chemically concentrated, extremely complex...
  2. Rockymountain

    Practicing short field landings in gusting winds

    I was kind of thinking the same thing as rhkennerly. Unless you’re on fire, there is really no reason to be doing a true short field landing in a gusty crosswind. But then, sometimes people do like doing those night instrument landings to minimums in the mountains, on a short field that is iced...
  3. Rockymountain

    Thinking about - er bought - a Jeep Gladiator

    Going to be highly dependent on the tires. The best out there for all purpose, road, heavy off road and snow and ice are the Goodyear Duratracks. Good year hit a home run with this one. They wear out after 25-30,000 miles, but that is because of the soft rubber that makes them great off road...
  4. Rockymountain

    Colorado Rockies Hitting Coach In Pilot Seat

    I think people with more money than brains affects all socioeconomic factions.
  5. Rockymountain

    Which light planes are best for....

    To reliably do that mission, particularly the northern latitudes, you need preferably pressurization, flight level capability and FIKI. The bottom end of that is going to be a Malibu type aircraft, and that is not a beginner plane.. Turbo FIKI Cirrus or FIKI Mooney if you don’t mind an O2 mask...
  6. Rockymountain

    Grade 1 diastolic dysfunction... is this disqualifying

    Good luck with all that. I am impressed with your cardiologist btw. Don’t think many know about the association with preeclampsia and diastolic dysfunction, and even fewer diagnosis diastolic dysfunction by EKG. Typically is an echocardiogram diagnosis. That is “graduate” level stuff. Just...
  7. Rockymountain

    M 350

    Depends on the size of the adults and how far you are going. Useful load is around 1250 lbs. I have had 6 onboard on short flights. My young family of 5 and a nanny on longer flights. My wife got to pick the nanny, but I set the limit on Nanny weight ;-)
  8. Rockymountain

    M 350

    A new M350 usually comes with a pretty good spinner to tail warranty, and they used to have the fly 3 years for free with fuel, maintenance and training included. Not sure if they still have the program. The plane does book numbers, and above 18,000 feet is a 200+ knot aircraft. If you pull...
  9. Rockymountain

    FIKI cert Mooney adequate for regular winter trips to Newfoundland and Labrador from New England?

    The icing up there doesn’t bother me as much as the exposure of a piston engine. Airports are far apart, and off field landing sites not great. Water may well be the best option many times, ditching with a survival suit. But the very cold air can only hold so much ice. FIKI TKS works well, but...
  10. Rockymountain

    Any regrets moving up to better plane

    So much of it is dictated by mission. But mission is also dictated by the plane you have access to. As you move up the food chain, speed and capability in a plane, it is common for the mission to change. Something I have heard called mission creep. Another factor in mission creep is that...
  11. Rockymountain

    Altitude over I-70

    Going to need to be up around 14,000 feet to do that safely. Been planes lost going up that canyon including most of the Wichita state football team in a DC6. Downdrafts on that canyon could very easily exceed the minimal minimal climb performance of the DA40 at that altitude. So.... I...
  12. Rockymountain

    Customs trouble

    The eAPIS email states you must call and receive permission to land. We had a 24 ship trip in the Caribbean last week. Several of the CBP offices were not answering the phone. The after hours phone said call during business hours and the 24 hour phone was not answered. We all left multiple...
  13. Rockymountain

    Choosing the plane for Winter mountain trips

    Was that the 2005 Cirrus accident? If so, there were no FIKI Cirri in 2005. FIKI In cirrus was first introduced in 2009. I think it may have had a no-hazard deice system, which is not a certified system and not legal to fly in icing conditions.
  14. Rockymountain

    Choosing the plane for Winter mountain trips

    I started flying in 2006, thought I would just be doing hamburger runs, in rental planes got the bug big time, and picked up most of the ratings, and have flown up to twin jets. Live in a SETP at the moment. Keep up the dream, but flying to a ski destination in your own plane safely and...
  15. Rockymountain

    I Got to Fly an Adam A500 today.

    Cool plane. They were flying those out of my home drome for a while. Tough economic times, and the composites were just too heavy to make it work. But cool design.