Recent content by RadialGal

  1. R


    I'd advise another career path....It will be one heck of an uphill battle and even then one heck of a MAYBE.
  2. R

    DC-4 Down in Fairbanks

    Yeah, one heck of a crash......just trying to be polite.
  3. R

    DC-4 Down in Fairbanks

    Thanks, lot's of time in a DC-6
  4. R

    DC-4 Down in Fairbanks

    I hate armchair quarterbacking.....but perhaps a wing spar failure at the engine, however not a complete wing seperation? If a DC-4's like a DC-6 you only have so long to put that fire out before the spar fails. Look up Northern Air Cargo's incident near Russian Mission, AK.
  5. R

    DC-4 Down in Fairbanks

    It was one of Alaska Air Fuel's in Wasilla, Alaska.
  6. R

    DC-4 Down in Fairbanks

    I don't know of any video but I know that when I flew the DC-6 you had 2 attempts to put out an engine fire, the engine MUST be feathered before deploying the fire extinguishing agent, you had 2 tries......then about 4 minutes untill the spar failed.
  7. R

    DC-4 Down in Fairbanks
  8. R

    Omission in MedExpress

    Well you can "not want" in one had and **** in the other and find out what one gets filled first. Your student is screwed.
  9. R

    Youtube Pilot and her dad perish in TN

    Nothing against toasters (besides the smoke alarm thing) but when gals like this go "Super Viral" or whatever you want to call it; then go do somthing fantastically stupid with an's a double tap to professional female pilots everywhere. We only make up 5 percent of pro pilots...
  10. R

    Youtube Pilot and her dad perish in TN

    That chick had the IQ of a the heck!?!?! Watch some of her dumpster fire flights on youtube. Gives female fliers a bad name.
  11. R

    Charged With DUI When I Wasn’t Driving

    I know a guy who drove drunk, parked at a friends home, got out, was in the house and got a DUI because the cop had footage of him driving drunk.
  12. R

    Medical issue

    Liar liar, pants on fire...........
  13. R

    FAA FOIA request pilot enforcement records

    Wow talk about chicken s#it..........good luck; looks like the feds found the real problem.
  14. R

    Drug test history in medical records

    Here in rural Alaska people drink to oblivion........highest I saw flying medevac was .41. I'm not kidding.
  15. R

    Drug test history in medical records

    When I flew Medevac we used to play "BAC Bingo" with the Med Crew, where we'd guess the BAC of the Patient we were about to pick up pre takeoff based on the "evidence." And I thought Pilots had dark senses of humor.......