Recent content by PiperPilot1

  1. P

    Altitude question

    Thank you all for the replies... Well I was inside a class D, and my plane does have a transponder. ATC didn't mention anything...but I guess it helps that its a busy training airport, with some committing far worse "sins"...haha. But i figured Id check on here and see what ya'll have to say...
  2. P

    Altitude question

    Here I was just thinking the feds were coming after me lol In all seriousness, it’s good to know that small deviations are not an issue. Common sense says it shouldn’t be, but I still I figured It would be wise to ask. Thank you!
  3. P

    Altitude question

    Hello Everyone! I had a question about altitude tolerances and figured Id ask here. Today I was flying in a Cub, breaking in a new engine, so I was circling over the airport above the TPA. I fly out of a class D so tower tells me to just make left traffic at 1500ft. above normal TPA (1000)...
  4. P

    Wings Program Test Question

    Thank you for all the great replies! Ok that was what I figured honestly, but I was still a little bit curious. I have, somehow, gotten good test scores on my actual written tests and sort of glazed through the WINGS program so I was just wondering. I did end up printing all the certificates...
  5. P

    Wings Program Test Question

    Hello Everyone, I just had a question about the Wings Program. I recently did like 5 of them as they were required as part of my job training syllabus. Admittedly, I hurried through some questions and did have to take the tests a couple times to pass with a 100% score. As far as I know...
  6. P

    Restricted Aeras

    Well I called approach on the phone and asked them, and they said as long as the area is not active I can fly through without talking to them. However, on my last flight I called them up anyway in the air just to make sure and they basically said "banner plane XYZ good afternoon, thanks for...
  7. P

    Restricted Aeras

    Roger that Ill call them up and see what they say...thank you all for the replies!
  8. P

    Restricted Aeras

    Yea the one Id be flying through is only active 3 months out of the year, or by notam. Too bad I dont have 3 radios in the airplane haha Ill probably just call approach and ask them, and see what they say. Thank you all for the help!
  9. P

    Restricted Aeras

    No person may operate an aircraft within a restricted area between the designated altitudes and during the time of designation, unless he has the advance permission of (a) The using agency described in § 73.15; or (b) The controlling agency described in § 73.17. thanks for the replies...
  10. P

    Restricted Aeras

    Hello everyone! I was hoping to get some clarification on something. Can you fly through a restricted aera, if it is not active, without talking to ATC? Lets say the restricted aera is only active during certain times, or per notam. You call a weather briefer and confirm the aera...
  11. P

    VFR weather minimums and patterns

    Interesting discussion thats for sure.... Thank you all for the great replies!! I guess the main takeaway is to use common sense and just dont fly that close to the edge. Its interesting though, reading the regs that they actually allow for a lot of leeway when you might need it. However, just...
  12. P

    VFR weather minimums and patterns

    Thank you! Its interesting about the TPA not being mandatory for light GA aircraft. I never knew that. I have no intention of flying a pattern at 500ft thats for sure, but still interesting to know. As far as departure procedures, I am familiar with the instrument ones and am instrument rated...
  13. P

    VFR weather minimums and patterns

    Yea, Im not one of those 5 either. I just was wondering how it would be used in real life, and that brought up a bunch of questions. Interesting about being at pattern ALT NLT 4 miles out. My instructor basically said descend all the way until you are just about to roll into the...
  14. P

    VFR weather minimums and patterns

    Thanks for the replies! I guess the more prudent thing is to be at pattern altitude a little further out as you guys have stated. I know you should never descend into the pattern and should be at the altitude before you enter, but i usually fly slighly tighter patterns...or at least 3/4 to a...
  15. P

    VFR weather minimums and patterns

    Hello everyone, I had a couple questions and wanted to see what the consensus is from some more experienced pilots. 1. For departing and arriving at an airport, say a class D...The other day i flew into a class D at 1500ft and the controller told me to enter a modified left base for...