Recent content by pburger

  1. pburger

    United 767 touch and go video

    Two aviation axioms: 1. When you have a less than optimal landing, there is almost ALWAYS someone watching. 2. When you have a "perfect" landing, there is almost NEVER anyone watching.
  2. pburger

    Flying with retired pilots

    I'm glad you clarified that you know you need to pay a CFI to get current. You of course will need a flight review. Assuming you're a renter, you'll also need to get checked out to rent. So, once you can satisfy a CFI to sign off your flight review, and you can get signed off to rent a plane...
  3. pburger

    Ipad Mini 6 question?

    I got my mini 6 on eBay about a year ago. I got it with the Apple Pencil. It was cheaper than refurbished from Apple. It was in great shape and works perfectly. Several years before that I got my mini4 on eBay as well. BTW, I like the pencil when doing land-based stuff with the iPad, but I...
  4. pburger

    Temporary Umbrella/Excess Insurance

    Now you've gone and done it...
  5. pburger

    Fly by wire and EMP

    I was hit by a lightning-induced EMP at my house. There was a massive "BOOM" and I thought the house or a nearby tree had been struck. I never found the site of the strike itself, but for the next two weeks I was finding fried electronics. It fried a LOT of stuff: a board in my TV, my A/V...
  6. pburger

    My Arrow's instrument panel light don't work

    What year Arrow? It's probably a fried transistor. The light dimming circuits varied over the years. Some had one transistor, and some had two. If there is a short in the light circuit it will fry a transistor. That's probably what happened. You need to first verify that there is no short...
  7. pburger

    What would cause this type of fluctuation on my altimeter?

    I had to dig back in the photo/video files a bit. The work on the system was done in June of this year (2023). Here is a video taken on the way to Oshkosh this year: altimeter fluctuations - July 2023 I doubt there was water in the lines because this was during one of the hottest summers in...
  8. pburger

    What would cause this type of fluctuation on my altimeter?

    I had my pitot-static system completely re-plumbed earlier this year. As part of that project, my altimeter was sent out for overhaul (it was leaking). I have been getting some weird fluctuations, but only occasionally. The fluctuations eventually settle down, but it’s a bit unnerving and it...
  9. pburger

    Fly-In Community Grass Strip

    Looks nice to me. It narrows to 50' between those ponds, but shouldn't be a problem. I like it!!!
  10. pburger

    Do you ever feel like the plane isn't there?

    My A&P was supposed to put my plane back in the hangar this morning. I just checked my hangar cam, and I definitely had the experience that the "plane isn't there!"
  11. pburger

    New Traffic display for ADSB-In devices

    Yep. Probably a bit over $200, after all. $170 for the kit that includes case, GPS, AHRS, fan, antennas, SDRs heatsinks. $45 for Rasberry Pi, & $30 for power bank. Still less than $250 for the DIY'er. I was an early adopter and I'd hate to add up how much I've spent since 2015 on all the...
  12. pburger

    New Traffic display for ADSB-In devices

    $400 Stratux? That seems pretty high. Raspberry Pi's are now available again at reasonable prices ($35 & $45). A DIY Stratux is still <$200.
  13. pburger

    1964 Comanche 250

    I hate it when that happens!:cool:
  14. pburger

    Compass cracked - bird strike

    Here's what you need:
  15. pburger

    Fisk approach to Oshkosh 2023

    Here are a couple of videos of my Oshkosh arrival this year. Nothing fancy, but it might be of use to anyone who has never flown it. The first video starts a couple of miles SW OF Ripon and ends at my parking spot in the North 40 — I was by the Hilton. Fisk Approach The second video is just...