Recent content by Omalley1537

  1. Omalley1537

    Gravity is broken (worst journalism ever)

    I’m not going to take this thread on a tangent explaining why, but other than elected officials, I can’t think of a profession I have more disdain for than the media. So no, no breaks.
  2. Omalley1537

    Improper Sale of an Airplane?

    99.9% of LE are going to listen to about 30 seconds of the story before telling your former employer this is a civil matter, and rightly so. Inserting his/her agency into this mess is nothing but a poo-filled Twinkie. (Unless there are extortion/forgery/etc elements we’re not hearing).
  3. Omalley1537

    Beech V35 Midair Breakup

    Gryder shouldn’t be allowed around anything sharper than a Twinkie without adult supervision.
  4. Omalley1537

    Extra 300 Down-WA State Didn’t see this posted elsewhere. I crossed the pass (by car) westbound around 1800ish, large storm cells all around and extending quite a ways into Eastern Washington...
  5. Omalley1537

    Road Bump in Buying a Plane - No Place to Put It

    I would start cold-calling/paying a visit to any hangar landlords in the area. When I was looking, the airport I wanted had both privately owned and city owned hangars. Wait lists were 4-6 years for anything. Emails didn’t even get a response, not even a “ok, you’re on the list.” Out of...
  6. Omalley1537

    Road Bump in Buying a Plane - No Place to Put It

    According to that Airplane Repo show, Cherokees were the “choice of executives “… :biggrin:
  7. Omalley1537

    New here, glad I found it

    I’m disappointed in the group that it took until post 9 for someone to post this… :biggrin:
  8. Omalley1537

    Boeing’s on a streak...

    Meanwhile, Boeing executive interviews have hit a rough patch.
  9. Omalley1537

    Deferring Marriage and a Family to fly professionally

    I absolutely do, I worded that poorly. I was referring to her career ambitions, as the OP seemed to indicate that her working/starting a legitimate career was important to him. If they jointly reach the decision that he’s the breadwinner and she’s a stay at home mom, that’s different and...
  10. Omalley1537

    Deferring Marriage and a Family to fly professionally

    Run. Plenty of potential partners out there. If I had it to do over again, I wouldn’t have pursued any serious relationship until I was 40ish. I don’t just say that because my first marriage ended. I say it because in the wake of it, I did a lot of reflection and realized how many dreams I...
  11. Omalley1537

    Restoration cost - rough idea?

    You might rethink the engine part (if I understood you to mean you’d shy away from an airplane needing an engine). There’s pluses and minuses to everything as usual, but I’d strongly consider buying an airplane with great paint, interior, and especially avionics, but with a runout engine. The...
  12. Omalley1537

    Bakin' Bacon

    I’ve never timed it (I just go by color/crispness), but I’m guessing around 20-30 minutes typically.
  13. Omalley1537

    Bakin' Bacon

    I almost always bake bacon now. I use a large baking tray and the wide foil. The foil creates a seamless barrier so when I’m done, I can either dispose of the drippings (or save them as I sometimes do for other recipes), then junk the foil and not even have to wash the tray. I’ve found the key...