Recent content by MackMooney

  1. M

    IFR Filing with Liedos

    I should've said once i contact atc, i only get the notified route about 50% of the time. As far as i can tell, the notification services seem reliable and yes there seems to be some sorta 30 min limit. it could be just my bad luck but i've only received "as filed" like twice in 5 years
  2. M

    IFR Filing with Liedos

    they've been sending the amendments Guessing, i probably only get the notified routes 50% of the time
  3. M

    IFR Filing with Liedos

    Yes, they do. Honestly, until you asked i'd never bothered to read them as i get the updates via Garmin PIlot / Foreflight
  4. M

    Pre Buy Inspection - Who generally pays for moving the plane?

    when i go to sell my plane, you can bring your A&P or get it inspected by any mechanic on field, after experiencing maintenance/ownership there's no way i'm gonna risk birdy being stuck somewhere. this is exactly what i did when i purchased it, i paid a shop on the other side of the sellers...
  5. M

    Forgetting to switch tanks

    you should not forget to switch to the fullest tank when slipping on approach to KDVT on a moonless DARK night. When the engine doesn't go silent while you stare into a black abyss, you'll thank me.
  6. M

    What are Currently the Best EFB’s for IPad?

    I prefer Garmin Pilot but Foreflight is also excellent. There exist free efbs that work but seemed a bit clunky to me
  7. M

    Aspen 1000 Pro or Dual G5s

    Except for the magnetometer, g5's are really easy to install, plus if you ever do decide on a the gfc500 or even a g3x, you'll all/most everything required. be ready, they are extremely proud of some of the needed tool. You can also pay spruce/avionics shop to make the harness, saves loads of...
  8. M

    High Performance and Complex Rating

    as you already fly a high performance complex plane, you'll probably only need a single flight with a US flight instructor to get the endorsements. super simple
  9. M

    Flight Plan Filed -- Told to Expect Different Route

    1. As far as i Know, you will almost NEVER get the route you request, get used to it. 2. You will almost NEVER fly the given route. seriously, sometimes i feel like i'm wasting ink copying down the complete clearance from my experience, outside the busiest airspace and even then outside...
  10. M

    What are currently the best EFBs for Android?

    Garmin Pilot on android rocks, well atleast on samsung s8+ and up. that being said, i had to switch to apple due to someone stealing my samsung tablet and it being 300$ more than the apple air to replace it. 8( , so unfortunately, i'm an apple user now. LET'S GO PACERS
  11. M

    Commercial Spaceflight and Aviation Trust Fund

    people love getting, it's the paying they have issues with
  12. M

    A new panel with only GPS navigation for IFR flying

    how about putting a beacon on top of all the cell towers, functioning sim to gps. or hurry up and turn ELoran back on
  13. M

    Best way to prepare for a flight to a new area.

    Nothing to prepare, get a map, plan a route, check weather then go 8). Only issues, if a large B/C keep the airport diagram close. USE flight following