Recent content by kayoh190

  1. kayoh190

    Flying with retired pilots

    Ah, I misunderstood. I always kinda thought you'd be 'the hammer' of check airmen, based on your posts here. :p
  2. kayoh190

    Flying with retired pilots

    It would have taken 20 and 40 if he had @MauleSkinner as his instructor. ;)
  3. kayoh190

    Ticket Punched - Commercial Multi Complete!

    Woohooo! Congrats!
  4. kayoh190

    Do airlines or employers care what kind of logbook I have?

    I still fly with guys that insist on printing the release from a dot matrix printer in the crew room. You never know who you'll be dealing with in an interview - having it printed is the safe decision.
  5. kayoh190

    Do airlines or employers care what kind of logbook I have?

    It's been over a decade since my last interview (legacy airline), but they took all my logbooks at the beginning and handed them back sometime in the middle - between the HR and tech panels. They asked a couple of questions about my logs and time, but seemed satisfied. My digital logbook was...
  6. kayoh190

    Wheel falls off

    The airliners in the OPs post are capable of dumping fuel, although at least at my shop, we're encouraged to find a long runway and land overweight if at all possible.
  7. kayoh190

    Why haven't you been to a POA fly-in ?

    Absolutely no need to drink, but enjoying food helps. How do you feel about hot sauce?
  8. kayoh190

    Why haven't you been to a POA fly-in ?

    I absolutely agree. But I think you'll find it's a different situation in person (that's probably pretty typical for the internet!). :)
  9. kayoh190

    Why haven't you been to a POA fly-in ?

    It sounds to me like you care more than you admit. Like any gathering of this kind, there's gonna be some good natured ribbing. Nobody there will care that you're a high time airline captain. IMO that's what makes the gathering so great. If your ego can't handle that then you're right - it's...
  10. kayoh190

    Deferring Marriage and a Family to fly professionally

    Now wait a minute, that's not all mutually exclusive. I think I have a cute kid: She looks a little *too* much like the mailman, but I think I'm nonetheless very willing to fight for my marriage. :) :)
  11. kayoh190

    Why haven't you been to a POA fly-in ?

    Perhaps that's part of the problem - you seem to be making some sort of connection between your career and this message board. The creation of PoA predates me, but as I understand it the purpose was to bring people together that were enthusiastic about GA, and fly-ins were central to that. Sure...
  12. kayoh190

    [NA] Is AI going to end actual musicians?

    I look at music the same way I see any form of entertainment - the human element is what makes it interesting to me. Same with sports - can a computer be more accurate than an umpire? Can an AI drive a car around a track faster than a human? Can a robot hit a ball further? Sure, but that's not...
  13. kayoh190

    Rough River '24! (2I3, 4/26/24 - 4/28/24

    So bummed I missed it! Glad you crazies had a good time. :)
  14. kayoh190

    Colorado Rockies Hitting Coach In Pilot Seat

    Hope you're right. Today's social media and outrage culture is the same reason I had them spraying Type IV as soon as I saw the first flurries. Makes no friggin' sense, but the last thing I needed was some dork in 12A recording a single snowflake on the wing of a 170,000 pound...