Recent content by judypilot

  1. judypilot

    For Memorial Day

    Wow! Thank YOU for sharing. He was an amazing man, gone too soon. Even though it's been almost 15 years and I've happily remarried, I still miss him. By the way, the story about the toad is true....:yes:
  2. judypilot

    For Memorial Day

    My late husband, Will Jones (Darkhorse 18). He did not die in Vietnam, but the war killed him nevertheless. It just took a few years for his injuries to catch up with him. Fortunately, those years included me. You can actually read about him and how he was shot down and injured in Low Level...
  3. judypilot

    how much risk flying in windy conditions

    I don't know where you are in eastern Washington, but I live just over the border in Idaho and the winds were a lot more than 10-15 kts. If this has already been said, I apologize, but it's the gusts, not the "base" wind (for lack of a better word) that gets you. And it isn't just the landing...
  4. judypilot

    What have I done? Crazy old woman musings

    That That would definitely be me. I'm learning "Uncle John's Band" right now. My guitar teacher says the Grateful Dead aren't to his taste. I almost dropped him on the spot or wrote a long email telling him why he's wrong, although he did mention he finds the vocals unappealing. I have to...
  5. judypilot

    Lawnchair Larry

    I remember that, too.
  6. judypilot

    Next word that comes to mind...

  7. judypilot

    What have I done? Crazy old woman musings

    Go Got it. My attitude made sure that I dinged your lack of clarity. Nothing worse than an old professor/pilot/motorcycle rider with attitude.
  8. judypilot

    I think food should taste bad

    I recently read an article in a respected medical journal that documented the health outcomes of women who are older (like me). Surprisingly, women who are overweight (but not obese) have the best health outcomes when it comes to the health challenges commonly faced by older people. I once had...
  9. judypilot

    I think food should taste bad

    I think what he meant was, if it IS tasty you must not eat it.
  10. judypilot

    What have I done? Crazy old woman musings

    I think you misread. I said I do NOT have a shortage of attitude. No pilot would ever say he/she has a shortage of attitude. Watch those double negatives! (Says the former professor.):D:p
  11. judypilot

    What have I done? Crazy old woman musings

    Nope. Can't kick that high any more.
  12. judypilot

    What have I done? Crazy old woman musings

    Well, as you have no doubt guessed by now, I do not have a shortage of attitude. I am seriously thinking about getting an electric guitar, though. Whatever, I am having fun (except when I try to do the F barre chords--still not fun).
  13. judypilot

    What have I done? Crazy old woman musings

    Only 9,923.5 hours to go! At the rate I'm going, I'll become a master guitarist about the same time I die. (I'm actually keeping a practice log, so this is actually pretty accurate.) Seriously, if I can play at church or for a few friends and not sound like a complete idiot, I'll be happy.
  14. judypilot

    What have I done? Crazy old woman musings

    I could pull off the high kick (actually, I have no idea what you're talking about, so I'm imagining a leg kick higher than my head). Of course, I might fall over backwards, but it would be spectacular at first. My first husband was one of those people who could pick up any stringed...
  15. judypilot

    What have I done? Crazy old woman musings

    Clearly I understand that being a professional guitarist is definitely not in the works, although it would be awesome to be able to go on America's Got Talent and play something like "Born to be Wild" while wearing my motorcycle leathers. However, as I bought an acoustic guitar, it wouldn't...