Recent content by jsstevens

  1. jsstevens

    Lets make Friday 'Joke Day'!

    Or an automatic. My son’s girlfriend just bought a Honda 1100. She was adamant that it be an automatic.
  2. jsstevens

    Ticket Punched - Commercial Multi Complete!

    Nice! All those power levers! So cool!
  3. jsstevens

    Lets make Friday 'Joke Day'!

    Outlaw onions and Only outlaws will have onions.
  4. jsstevens

    2024 Goals

    And #3 as noted...
  5. jsstevens

    2024 Goals

    Seems like #1 helps with #2...
  6. jsstevens

    Preview of things to come.....

    I made and make no comment on the award nor it's fitness, only pointing out that it's not simply a matter of seat placement relative to systems. It's also seat placement relative to risk.
  7. jsstevens

    Preview of things to come.....

    Seat location includes risk. The chicken is involved in breakfast, the pig is committed.
  8. jsstevens

    We need a class action suit against the POA Pilots of America

    So mission accomplished?
  9. jsstevens


    Soft field landings. It was difficult to touch down gently enough.
  10. jsstevens

    US submarines leap forward in quietness

    Different Navy. Just sayin'
  11. jsstevens

    Wings of Hope

    I got my three. I've lost count of how many of these I've entered. I haven't won anything yet, but it is a good cause.
  12. jsstevens

    Thinking About a New Roof

    Some granules in the runoff is normal, but how much are still on the shingles is the question. One other consideration with shingles is are they still stuck down at the ends of the tabs. A sloped roof is not designed to be water tight, it's designed to have the water run off before it can leak...
  13. jsstevens

    US submarines leap forward in quietness

    Well, it was a cassette, so it's been a while. But I think it was Bach.
  14. jsstevens

    US submarines leap forward in quietness

    I sacrificed a Bach tape, but it wasn't a good one.
  15. jsstevens

    So, student pilots.. Who are we and where do we stand?

    I am signed up (and deposit paid) to get my CP-MES with Brooke’s Seaplane Service in August. Beech 18 on floats. Round engines. I’m looking forward to it!