Recent content by jbarrass

  1. jbarrass

    Restoration cost - rough idea?

    Every plane I've owned has been a project, and it's been great. The key me thinks is to start out with a straight airframe without significant corrosion, those make it to hard to rehabilitate. As to the semantics, I think restoration is not really the idea here, I think that's reserved for...
  2. jbarrass

    Etiquette for using a friends plane

    It's a win-win. But to be a good partner, keep it very clean, appropriately full of gas, and help with the scheduled maintenance. And from time-to-time, offer to chip in for an upgrade or something. Of course, take him flying sometimes in his plane till he gets his certificate.
  3. jbarrass

    A barbecue adventure, the saga unfolds.

    Nice, it's all about the crispy skin in my world.
  4. jbarrass

    A barbecue adventure, the saga unfolds.

    Like flyingron, did a whole pig. Here's a before and after pic,
  5. jbarrass

    Parachuting Safety Issues

    He'll go to jail for the fraud and ID theft. Not enough info to determine if it was the cause of the fatality but he's accused of faking his credentials.
  6. jbarrass

    Which Engine Oil Analysis?

    I like Blackstone. The analyst comments add value.
  7. jbarrass

    NOOB needing advice on a from-scratch upgrade

    Adding a thought, most of what is being recommended will also allow you to remove your vacuum system and save 10-12 lbs. along with some potential maintenance.
  8. jbarrass

    Basic Med Restriction

    I haven't seen this in years, but dinosaurs are real and still exist. It was not uncommon in the first year or two, but all of the flight schools or clubs around me have had a chance to learn the rules and are OK with BM A very important aspect of clubs & partnerships is compatibility with the...
  9. jbarrass

    BasicMed expansion?

    Prostate cancer? No problem driving, but the FAA said I was apparently an unacceptable risk of sudden incapacitation and ineligible to fly even though it was treated and eliminated. But through the kindness of their blessed little hearts they gave me an SI and told me to check back in often...
  10. jbarrass

    Starting PPL process - 15 years post-substance abuse

    Some smart guys will be along shortly with more definitive answers, but they will need to know what the substance is and if it was alcohol, what is the relevant if any BAC. No need to share with us unwashed masses though. The next step is a Consultation (without completing a MedExpress) with...
  11. jbarrass

    Nashville BBQ

    Nashville is a great city, an amazing city, but it's not a BBQ city. I just have a need to say the best BBQ on earth is Woodyard in KC.
  12. jbarrass

    Pocket knife: Weird or normal?

    I don't always carry a knife anymore, but I frequently do. I keep a spot on my nightstand for my wallet, phone, keys, and knife. Each morning I decide my plan for the day and load my pockets accordingly. When in doubt I throw it in my pocket, which happens a lot since that decision comes...
  13. jbarrass

    If you own a truck and live in the rust belt.

    That black crud is almost certainly going to block the drain holes.
  14. jbarrass

    The death of an insitution

    I was in Scouts, both my kids (1 girl, 1 boy) are too. Couple thoughts. Scouting is not really coed, there are separate boy and girl troops. My son, loved it, especially the high adventure camps, Philmont twice, Northern Tier, and Seabase. My daughter loves it too. especially the shooting...
  15. jbarrass

    Apple blows chunks

    As bad as Apple is, MS is worse. I've forgotten my Microsoft account P/W a few times. I never us it because it sux, but sometimes you're forced to and have to start over with a new account.