Recent content by idahoflier

  1. idahoflier

    Done . . .

    Sorry to hear. Best wishes and Blue Skies!
  2. idahoflier

    Daily Pic

    Smith Prairie Airport -2U0
  3. idahoflier

    Daily Pic

    Arrowrock Reservoir and dam. When completed in 1915 it was the tallest concrete dam in the world...
  4. idahoflier

    Under insured and sweating a little bit..

    That sucks, sorry! I have no experience with aviation insurance claims, but I would think the other party is liable for your loss and the only quibbiling would be on agreeing on a value of your aircraft and/or estimating the cost of repairs.
  5. idahoflier

    Daily Pic

    It's the South Fork of the Boise river somewhere around here (area circled in red bottom right):
  6. idahoflier

    Daily Pic

  7. idahoflier

    Why haven't you been to a POA fly-in ?

    This is my my reason...
  8. idahoflier

    Daily Pic

  9. idahoflier

    Daily Pic

  10. idahoflier

    Why has Vashon sold so few Rangers, and will MOSAIC turn that around?

    For me, and as others have mentioned, the O-200 burning 100LL resulting in a lower useful load and higher operational costs led me to another aircraft. While I have never flown one, I like the Ranger and seriously considered it. MOSAIC will probably fix the useful load issue but then you're...
  11. idahoflier

    Daily Pic

  12. idahoflier

    Lycoming Engine replacement

    Welcome to "Transitory Inflation". FWIW, I had my O-360 overhauled 4.5 years ago and a current quote shows an increase of 62%...
  13. idahoflier

    First airplane purchase PA28 Help

    I know you said PA28, but a C172 with an Air Plains or Penn Yan O-360-A4M conversion fits your mission profile well...
  14. idahoflier

    Daily Pic

  15. idahoflier

    gmail rejections txt record spf help

    Yeah, good catch, I added that (well the tilde) on my fourth or fifth edit 20 sec after posting...