Recent content by Gilbert Buettner

  1. Gilbert Buettner

    Flying by the numbers ?

    Dave, you didn't say what airplane you were flying. The numbers 80, 70, 65 work for most Cessna Skyhawks (knots). That's assuming 10 degrees of flaps on downwind, 20 degrees on base, and 30 on final. As you gain experience, you will also gain the ability to "feel" the appropriate airspeed in...
  2. Gilbert Buettner

    Etiquette for using a friends plane

    I no longer own but have access to two airplanes. One belongs to a former student of mine who is gone all winter and wants it flown now and then. The other belonged to a friend who died of COVID a couple of years ago. His family does not want to sell it, and none of them fly, so they have me...
  3. Gilbert Buettner

    Piper automatic gear extend

    Maybe post this at the Piper Aviation and Pilots Forum.
  4. Gilbert Buettner

    Handheld transceiver recommendations? Icom, Yaesu, or Sporty's?

    I have owned an Icom AC-22 for many years. I lost the alkaline battery adapter so just use the rechargeable nicad. I have had Batteries Plus rebuild that two times in about 30 years, for roughly $50. It works great, and my primary use for it is to get a weather forecast from home. I am only...
  5. Gilbert Buettner

    Student Pilot radio comms and Class C -- step-by-step in chronological order

    More likely to come from the Tower when you advise you are ready for takeoff.
  6. Gilbert Buettner

    Opt Out of My Legal Rights?

    Well, there are a LOT of credit unions. Opt out or vote with your dollars.
  7. Gilbert Buettner

    Altitude question

    Well, if he is VFR, it certainly isn't necessary unless he's getting advisories and has been told to notify ATC of altitude changes. If on an IFR clearance, bumps usually are not significant enough to need a block altitude.
  8. Gilbert Buettner

    Done . . .

    Remember you can continue to fly as long as you have another pilot along who is qualified to be PIC.
  9. Gilbert Buettner

    What is night?

    Where did you find "30 min?" Civil twilight varies quite a bit.
  10. Gilbert Buettner

    High Performance and Complex Rating

    I flew in there in the winter, probably 1974, the only time I claimed renting a team of horses on my expense report ($49.00). The island is free of automobiles, but in winter it is overrun with snowmobiles.
  11. Gilbert Buettner

    Beech V35 Midair Breakup

    Bonanzas were never doctor killers. Doctors were Bonanza killers.
  12. Gilbert Buettner

    High Performance and Complex Rating

    You're in luck. The runway on the island is 3,501 feet long.
  13. Gilbert Buettner

    Flying with retired pilots

    HOWEVER, you had the benefit of just about the best training possible, which many pilots here did not have.
  14. Gilbert Buettner

    How patient should I be?

    Come on back to Wisconsin. We have five airplanes and six CFIs. You should have been able to solo long ago. We can finish you up this summer, though the DPEs are scheduled out to July right now.