Recent content by Gess

  1. Gess

    Student Pilot radio comms and Class C -- step-by-step in chronological order

    Flight Insight has a pretty good VFR Communications course and includes scripts as part of the curriculum.
  2. Gess

    Private Sale or Broker?

    Just curious, but why change the N number?
  3. Gess

    What are currently the best EFBs for Android?

    Garmin Pilot has been okay on my Samsung A7 Lite. But the plane is TAA with its own GPS so I use it more for planning than actual in-flight situational awareness. It also runs well on my Pixel 4A(5g) phone as a backup. If I end up buying something like an old Citabria then I'll likely upgrade...
  4. Gess

    So, student pilots.. Who are we and where do we stand?

    I have my written and medical done. Did a discovery flight on Saturday to make sure the wife and I actually enjoy GA aircraft. Joining a flying club and starting training in June.
  5. Gess

    DPE PPL price

    I'd love to see data on that.
  6. Gess

    2024 PPL written test

    The discussion was about the distribution of topics tested, not the overall quantity of questions.
  7. Gess

    Networking as a Student Pilot

    I'm not great at networking, being a bit introverted. I decided to attend a free FAA Safety Seminar at my local airport on Saturday. I ended up meeting instructors from the local aviation academy and officers and the lead instructor for the flying club I planned to join this summer. I got to...
  8. Gess

    2024 PPL written test

    I studied, and I know the information. And I continue to study as there is always a next step to be achieved. My gripe is that I dedicated a lot of time, several hours, and extra cost (in the form of special markers, transparencies, making charts, etc.) to drill on a skill that wasn't...
  9. Gess

    2024 PPL written test

    I took the test about three weeks ago and was annoyed there were no W/B or Density Altitude questions that required charts on my exam. I bought a dry-erase kit and drilled with those pretty tedious charts for takeoff/landing as well as the weight and balance zone charts and wasn't tested on it...
  10. Gess

    Tailwheel PPL training near Akron, Ohio

    Laurel Aviation at KLBE has a Stinson. But that might be a bit of a haul for you if you're looking for primary flight training.
  11. Gess

    How much money should I expect to make in the industry??

    Shhhhhh, lets not say this out loud until I've secured a position. ;)