Recent content by Flymy47

  1. Flymy47

    For Memorial Day

    That name sounds familiar, but I didn't get to REGT until early '02. That is a sad story for sure. The things some families endure.
  2. Flymy47

    For Memorial Day

    Yeah, Dan had that "long-tab" swagger. As a young BMQ he liked to hang with the backender's when he could, as I think that was his safe space away from the flight leads.
  3. Flymy47

    For Memorial Day

    Judy, I read Low Level Hell in high school, and it's one of my favorite books. It was one of the reasons I went into Army Aviation. Your late husband was a hero, and a national treasure. Thank you for sharing.
  4. Flymy47

    For Memorial Day

    My Brother, Hershel "Dan" McCants was in my Company. My crew and I recovered him and others back to Kandahar after the accident (I was chalk one in the accident flight). I was fortunate to attend his funeral at Arlington. Small world. Blue skies, and tailwinds John, Brandon, Dan, Adam, Ryan...
  5. Flymy47

    Hunting from Helos - where does the brass go?

    The M240 had a three position gas plug which could be taken out and rotated to change the rate of fire. We kept ours set to the middle setting IIRC. It is a great gun. Much improved over the M60. @Sac Arrow, I hope you washed your hands after using that Asbestos glove to change barrels!
  6. Flymy47

    Hunting from Helos - where does the brass go?

    That's Range 29 at Campbell. I wonder how many hundreds of thousands if not millions of rounds I have shot there! The mini's shoot 3k per minute, and the brass and links are dumped overboard through the dump tubes. Back in the day the earlier feeder/de-linker assembly would spit the brass out...
  7. Flymy47

    Beech V35 Midair Breakup

    I’m not a Bonanza owner, I just didn’t like seeing someone in the industry spilling that type of thing to the uneducated media so they can sensationalize it.
  8. Flymy47

    Military Helo Rotorwash

    If you have to ask...
  9. Flymy47

    Beech V35 Midair Breakup

    The weather has been very unsettling here in the last couple weeks. I'm sorry for your loss @robin ardoin. Local (Nashville) news is doing less than stellar reporting including the "Fork Tailed Doctor Killer" spread with some A&P/IA voicing his "opinion" to an uneducated anchor.
  10. Flymy47

    Military Helo Rotorwash

    Winds play into where the rotorwash drifts as well. Whenever we go into a civilian airfield, I am constantly looking to see where our rotorwash will blow and try to keep it away from GA aircraft. I agree that two to three minutes should be sufficient. I still remember the night we got rocked in...
  11. Flymy47

    We ordered a Bushcat I hope somebody isn't waiting on a kit that is now a smoking hole amidst some Russian equipment. My other thought is, if I buy a Skyranger kit, can I park it in warbird parking at...
  12. Flymy47

    We ordered a Bushcat

    That's good to hear. I enjoyed chatting with them at Oshkosh, and Mt. Vernon, and glad to hear they are doing OK. Are you familiar with the Flylight Skyranger Nynja? I know it is related to the Bushcat, but I am curious if you had looked at it prior to deciding on the Bushcat, and what your...
  13. Flymy47

    We ordered a Bushcat

    I'm really bummed about this. I took a demo ride at the Mt. Vernon LSA show last fall, and came away very impressed with the airplane. I hope AeroSport continues on with their other ventures.
  14. Flymy47

    For Sale SOLD: Foreflight Sentry ADSB

    I meant to post this a while ago, but I wanted to recognize @mandm for how easy he made this transaction. Thanks again, and it works great!
  15. Flymy47

    Missing US Marine Helicopter

    Interesting. We always avoid Mil fuel and went to FBO's due to quicker turnaround. Then again, it may be a regional thing here in the south. I've been in this predicament so many times in my career. I'm at the point now, where I question my crew more than I used to when it comes to CRM and...