Recent content by bradg33

  1. B

    Opt Out of My Legal Rights?

    Well said . I don't play in the consumer world at all, all commercial (and mostly real estate disputes among sophisticated parties). The restrictions on discovery and the occasionally insane deadlines that some people plug in are usually unworkable in my world. Plus, neither JAMS nor AAA are...
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    Opt Out of My Legal Rights?

    Exactly. There is about a zero percent chance that he'll be able to speak to anyone who actually (a) knows anything about it on a substantive level, or (b) has any power to change anything.
  3. B

    Opt Out of My Legal Rights?

    Interesting. I've actively avoided arbitration my entire career, so while I knew the Federal Arbitration Act was very strong, I wasn't aware that SCOTUS had viewed it quite that strongly. Thanks for the info!
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    Opt Out of My Legal Rights?

    I'd decline to sign it, but be aware they may "fire" you as a customer if you don't. I'm not well-versed in banking or consumer protection laws, so it's possible they're not allowed to do that, but I think arbitration is generally a kangaroo court that I don't want to participate in (and I'm a...
  5. B

    Improper Sale of an Airplane?

    You work for the airport where the airplane is based/located? It sounds like your employer thinks you were "trading" on "inside" information that you learned as a result of your work at the airport (the conflict issue) and/or they think you're essentially abusing airport tenants.
  6. B

    Electric Lawn Tools

    I (very hesitantly) bought an EGO push mower about a month ago. It was about $800, but it's really quite nice. Compared to a gas powered one, it's smooth and pretty quiet, and it cuts nicely. When bought it on "sale" and it came with a second battery for free as part of the sale promotion. We...
  7. B

    Trump's Plane Clips Another at Palm Beach

    Best clip job ever. Nobody clips other planes like Trump clips other planes. A+ job.
  8. B

    Insurance Companies

    There are basically 2 options for aircraft insurance: 1) Brokered policies from underwriters that don't deal directly with the public; and 2) Avemco, which is a direct underwriter. When someone says "call so and so at X insurance agency," they're directing you to a broker. Most good...
  9. B

    G5 First Time Calibrarion

    It's all spelled out in the Installation Manual in pretty good detail, but there are some level checks that have to be done, then you have to "swing" the compass in the GMU 11 (it walks you through it on-screen).
  10. B

    Restoration cost - rough idea?

    A "restoration" will almost certainly be uneconomical (from an ROI standpoint) if you're not doing a lot of the work yourself (or with your own employees that you're paying $20-40/hr, instead of a shop that you're paying $100+/hr. A lot of folks do restorations because they want to, not because...
  11. B

    How much have Trent Palmer's legal costs been?

    He is. I'm just offering a perspective of what legal fees, overall, for that kind of proceeding would likely amount to (regardless of who is paying, etc.). No clue what was spent here, but I can't imagine it was only $30k (unless time was donated, etc.).
  12. B

    How much have Trent Palmer's legal costs been?

    $30k? lol. Maybe through the ALJ stage (and that's a big maybe). Setting aside who is paying and who might be working for super-reduced special rates, probably $100k in incurred attorney time at least. $30k would be an unbelievable bargain (I can't hardly draft and file a single appellate...
  13. B

    Remote sign offs?

    This is the part a lot of people seem to miss. Everyone claiming video inspections would be dangerous and abused is painting with a broad, one-size-fits-all brush. There are plenty of tasks that could be very, very easily inspected via video, and there are plenty that cannot. There's really...
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    Hard to say what people worry about most, but as an instructor, what I see many pilots (PPL and up) struggle with is task saturation and prioritizing. And that applies globally to many of the listed maneuvers where the student has to manage a lot of moving parts at the same time (configuration...
  15. B

    Proper VFR Flight Following Call

    On a tour of ZKC (Kansas City Center), several controllers indicated they prefer it all up front. When a random aircraft they've not been talking to calls up, it's nearly always someone looking for flight following (IFR traffic are expected and known, usually). Obviously, there are times where...