Recent content by bqmassey

  1. bqmassey

    VOR Radials

    Thanks! Seriously though, POA as a whole—along with several POA members individually—were a huge help along the way. I think one of the best things a person can do when they’re just starting out is to find a community of people that are already doing what you want to do. It expands the amount...
  2. bqmassey

    VOR Radials

    Well, I finagled my way into a job with a major airline and now a callsign that ends in "heavy". I'm pretty content with how it worked out! (Although I'm still a bit annoyed they didn't ask me about VORs in my interview.) I had to laugh when I saw this post brought back to life. I might have...
  3. bqmassey

    VOR Radials

    I just want to say thanks for all of the helpful responses.
  4. bqmassey

    Preventing Loss of Control (LOC) Accidents

    I’d be interested in the airplane academically, just because I think alternative airplane designs are interesting (I think the aircraft like the Facetmobile, Rutan designs, etc, are cool). If by “interested” you mean having an interest in buying the building plans or buying the finished...
  5. bqmassey

    Vets - learn to fly a helicopter FOR FREE!

    The article is somewhat misleading in whole. However, there are certainly companies who have successfully learned to abuse the system.
  6. bqmassey

    Robinson Main Rotor Blade AD

    Yea, practically the entire helicopter is time limited to 12 years. When you hit 12 years (or 2200 hours) the whole thing is supposed to be overhauled. It's practically a brand new helicopter when you get it back. This keeps the cost of maintenance really low. There are very few things that...
  7. bqmassey

    Best way to lose altitude

    Just a POI: there's a difference between high descent rate (FPM) and steep descent angle, and you'd handle them differently.
  8. bqmassey

    ILS...Still have to identify FAF?

    Sure there is. I'm asked to report it often.
  9. bqmassey

    Helicopter crash in 2013

  10. bqmassey

    Why do we need retractable gear to get our commercial rating?

    The FAA isn't particularly concerned with your intentions. Their concern, when issuing a pilot certificate, is to verify you have certain experience and have demonstrated a certain baseline skillset. I can't speak for the FAA as to why they want they want commercial pilots to have complex...
  11. bqmassey

    VFR planning over a day out...

    If you restrict yourself to traditional aviation weather products, it's kind of limited. You can make some guesses based on the long term surface prog charts (watching the fronts and isobars). For something past 30 hours, I'm checking other weather sources; or commercial weather...
  12. bqmassey

    Test Question: Remote Indicating Compass

    There's a bit about it in the Instrument Flying Handbook.
  13. bqmassey

    Wrong answer on TAS dial

    On the ASI, you set pressure altitude (7,200) opposite outside air temperature. Positive temperatures are on the left. So, in those pictures, you've configured it for 7,200 PA and +16C or so. If your OAT gauge is reading 16C, you've set it up correctly, but I'm guessing that your OAT wasn't...
  14. bqmassey

    Coradine LogTen Pro X (I'm sick of giving them money)

    If you're tactic is to simply appease the vocal and persistent unhappy customers, instead of trying to prevent unhappy customers, I'll take my business elsewhere.
  15. bqmassey

