Recent content by bluerooster

  1. bluerooster


    Not all of them.
  2. bluerooster

    Restoration cost - rough idea?

    To answer the OP, the cost should put you a little over what it will be worth when you're finished. (provided you didn't pay too much when you bought it)
  3. bluerooster

    Proper VFR Flight Following Call

    I guess I've been doing it wrong all these years. I started out by giving all the info on initial call up. After the first couple of times, I found that I had to repeat the entire list of information, every time. Now I keep the initial call up short and simple; "Atlanta Center, VFR request...
  4. bluerooster

    Commercial Confusion

    OK I concede to the two 2 hour cross country flights should be conducted as training with an instructor. However; Where does it state that there needs to be an instructor on board for the long cross country flight? There is no definition of "solo" in the 61.1.1, but I'll concede that it can...
  5. bluerooster

    Commercial Confusion

    For example; I've met the 300nm cross country requirement. Several times. One time, to visit Dad with my son, ~800nm away. With one stop because Josh didn't pee before we left, one stop at my planned fuel stop, and a stop at the destination. So, there's the 300nm requirement, with 3 landings at...
  6. bluerooster

    Things experienced folks observe

    By lightening his workload. ;)
  7. bluerooster

    The "Royal We"

  8. bluerooster

    Things experienced folks observe

    Yes, what Magman sed. Get copies of Service manual, and Parts catalog for your airplane. Money well spent. Also need an up to date copy of the AC43.13.1&.2. Study them. Keep them handy. And learn from your A&P/IA. You will eventually get to a point in your aircraft ownership where you will...
  9. bluerooster

    The "Royal We"

    But, in A Gift of Wings he does. And in Nothing by Chance
  10. bluerooster

    What is the most fun "Aviation tool/gear" you've purchased?

    Free GPS app for Android, coupled with free planning app. Also free up to date aeronautical charts, and AFD. It works very well, and no clunkiness, no subscription, no need for data plan. Fun stuff. :D
  11. bluerooster

    Solar eclipse - how's the forecast for Apr 8th looking for you?

    My plan was to go to Arkansas. Forcasted to be mostly sunny in the path of totality. But as of today, the trip has been canceled due to the Ol' Lady having a bad flare up of RA. She told me that I could go alone. But I told her "That's not how it works" (this marriage thing)
  12. bluerooster

    Road Bump in Buying a Plane - No Place to Put It

    They have 40 tiedowns, with no plans for more. Actually they removed about 40 tiedowns (occupied) to make room to park all the transient jets. :rolleyes: All hangars are full with waiting list. I spent 6 years on the ramp at JZP, and finally found a port a port hangar on the east side that I...
  13. bluerooster

    Baffle seal rivet shavings

    grease on drill bit will help keep cuttings at bay. And compressed air is your friend.
  14. bluerooster

    Which is harder to land? Tailwheel or Glider

    I don't think the requirement for tailwheel endorsement came about due to safety issues. But rather at the insistence of insurance companies due to the cost of repairs after groundloop. A 170 flies just exactly the same as a 172, but it requires one to pay closer attention on landing.
  15. bluerooster

    How much stock do you put into a top overhaul?

    Year before last, went in for annual. Compression revealed 76, 78, 76, 74. SMOH ~500, pulled two jugs and sent them out for overhaul. One because exhaust flange was eaten away due to exhaust leak, and beyond our ability to repair in situ. The other, I don't remember the reason, mabe it was the...