Recent content by Arnold

  1. Arnold

    Aerocruze 100/TruTrak Question

    I don't know the autopilot or your GPS box, but . . . My guess is you still have the navigator outputting an LPV glide path. Try deselecting LPV and using just LNAV, VNAV. The autopilot may well ignore the VNAV signal which is different from the vertical part of a an LPV.
  2. Arnold

    A new panel with only GPS navigation for IFR flying

    The FAA is maintaining the VOR MON (Minimum Operational Network) as a basically foolproof back up to GPS. See: retiring your VHF equipment premature? Some things to consider. GPS...
  3. Arnold

    My tailwheel training impressions..

    Some of this is redundant but as a Luscombe pilot and CFI for the past 44ish years I think I'm qualified to give some advice. Flying is energy management. Too much energy when you land and you go flying again. Land with the stick all the way back. To do this flare to a level attitude a few...
  4. Arnold

    Quick back to back approaches…..Normal?

    Single pilot IFR is the hardest flying any aviator will do. Mostly agree with what has been said in this thread. I strongly urge people - no single pilot IFR without an autopilot or a second set of trained hands. I would always program the box first. EFB is for plates and SA. unless the...
  5. Arnold

    Lets make Friday 'Joke Day'!

    ATR-72 Much fun to fly.
  6. Arnold

    Luscombe Association Still Active?
  7. Arnold

    Lets make Friday 'Joke Day'!

    Mel Brooks and Buck Henry were first:
  8. Arnold

    ADF Required?

    The NDB is the missed approach holding fix. Before magenta lines the Compass Locator was an excellent too for SA during vectors for an approach.
  9. Arnold

    Hindsight is 20/20....or maybe 1SM and clear of clouds
  10. Arnold

    Entering the country illegally at KEYW

    Feet dry, no return. If a Cuban makes it to U.S. land they are permitted to stay. I do not believe this applies to possessions or territories so the entire empire is not open to them. Just the 50 states.
  11. Arnold

    Bo on the beach, Long Island, NY

    Don't forget, sand is the original EMAS.
  12. Arnold

    Garmin Flight Display Capability Disappointment

    In the old days I flew a Shorts 360 which had only a flight director and no electronic autopilot (the voice activated autopilot sitting to my right usually was operational though). While I do not have much experience with Garmin products, the general architecture of these things is one or more...
  13. Arnold

    Ethics of straw buying...

    The firearms discussion is seriously misleading because it has to do with a criminal law. Is there a criminal law that says that an agent cannot purchase an aircraft for an undisclosed principal? I don't claim to be an expert so I'll just say that it seems highly unlikely. Absent a criminal...
  14. Arnold

    Visual Approach

    Definition: ( VISUAL APPROACH- An approach conducted on an instrument flight rules (IFR) flight plan which authorizes the pilot to proceed visually and clear of clouds to the airport. The pilot must, at all times...