4RNB's latest activity

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    4RNB replied to the thread Best Oxygen systems.
    I searched a few minutes and can't find much data on how much this system gives the user. Maybe I saw that it gives less than 2l/min...
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    4RNB replied to the thread Best Oxygen systems.
    I am not discounting them. I have discounted my willingness to do them all the time and to make my passengers (family) do that rather...
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    4RNB replied to the thread Best Oxygen systems.
    I’m not willing to do focused breathing while flying an airplane over mountains. I could do such things to save my life, but I’m not...
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    4RNB posted the thread Best Oxygen systems in Medical Topics.
    I have a mountain high (EDS) O2 system. It senses when you are inhaling and gives a gentle puff of O2 at the start of inhalation. My...
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    4RNB replied to the thread High Altitude Flight test.
    Thanks. Note the RN in my screen name...I'm well aware, all part of why I posted this topic and am asking about continuous O2 vs a lil...
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    4RNB reacted to MRC01's post in the thread High Altitude Flight test with Like Like.
    If "Sats to 84" means your blood O2 saturation level was 84%, that is too low and unsafe for flying, at risk of impaired judgement and...
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    4RNB replied to the thread High Altitude Flight test.
    Well I just went above 13000, 90 mph was still getting 3-400 fpm climb. Sats to 84 on mountain high system. I wonder if it would have...
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    I’m waiting for the right mount for a 27 inch iPad
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    4RNB replied to the thread High Altitude Flight test.
    In first post “For reference: https://www.airplains.com/cessna172-180hp”
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    4RNB replied to the thread High Altitude Flight test.
    I’ve never been at 17,000 feet better safe than sorry How does your heater work at 17,000?
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    4RNB replied to the thread High Altitude Flight test.
    After looking at the winds and temps aloft, I think I will add extra clothes, gloves, and a hat to my list.
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    4RNB reacted to midlifeflyer's post in the thread VFR into PHL? with Like Like.
    You avoid the heavy metal when flying into PHL too. Like other Class Bs and Cs that handle GA well, they send you to the runways that...
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    4RNB reacted to kaiser's post in the thread High Altitude Flight test with Like Like.
    Physiologically you’re probably ok through 15k for a short stint, unless you have any health issues. If you’re super worried, keep a...
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    4RNB reacted to Zeldman's post in the thread High Altitude Flight test with Like Like.
    I took a 207 up to 12,000 once without O2 and had no problems, except for the climb rate getting lower the higher I went. As for a...
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    4RNB reacted to Velocity173's post in the thread High Altitude Flight test with Like Like.
    I’ve been to 13-14K several times with no apparent issues. The usual increased heart / breath rate but that was about it. Typical SE FW...